I currently teach textile arts on behalf of ricRACK, as well as act as their education and outreach coordinator.
My teaching philosophy is based on Folkert Haanstra’s 4 principals which form the foundation of an authentic arts education:
1. Learning aimed at the culture of the student, providing space for student opinions, interests, and requirements.
2. Communication and collaboration, including group tasks, peer evaluations, and presentations.
3. Assignments which are derived from, and relate to, art professionals in society.
4. Creating productive learning environments through complex and complete assignments via global guidelines.
Assignments must be developmentally appropriate, with controlled freedom and enabling constraints. I also believe that classroom culture should support John Falk’s 4 dimensions of wellbeing: Personal (creative, spiritual, awesome), Social (part of a social group), Intellectual (choice and control) and Physical (safety).
This philosophy applies to early childhood education, adults, elders and special needs groups. The assignments may address different cognitive and/or mobility issues, but the foundation remains.

5th grade class, printmaking. (no sink in classroom, crayola markers for ink)

5th grade class, printmaking. (no sink in classroom, crayola markers for ink)

Zipper pouches at ricRACK, 8-12 yr olds.

Zipper pouches and stuffie, 8-12 yr olds.

Yarn embroidery with Seniors. 99 yr old participant with rotator cuff issue -she kept her work low in lap for comfort.

Fabric collage with Seniors.

Scrap fabric ornaments and yarn embroidery with Seniors.

The Guild - an adult day school group who volunteer at ricRACK - the group is making scrap fabric pompoms.

Volunteer with scrap fabric pompom.

Adult freestyle quilting class at ricRACK.

Adult freestyle quilting class at ricRACK.

Adult freestyle quilting class at ricRACK.

Adult freestyle quilting class at ricRACK.

Textile arts workshop at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art - 6th & 7th grade.

Textile arts workshop at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art - 6th & 7th grade.

Textile arts workshop at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art - 6th & 7th grade.

Yarn embroidery and scrap fabric wreaths with 20+ participants- an intergenerational group with majority seniors.

Yarn embroidery and scrap fabric wreaths with 20+ participants- an intergenerational group with majority seniors.

Yarn embroidery and scrap fabric wreaths with 20+ participants- an intergenerational group with majority seniors.

Sacred Heart Academy after school sewing program, 3rd & 4th grade.

Sacred Heart Academy after school sewing program, 3rd & 4th grade.

Sacred Heart Academy after school sewing program, 3rd & 4th grade.

Learning to sew a curve at ricRACK, 8-12yr olds.

Highschool Robotics Team sewing embroidered numbers on to their robot bumpers.

Highschool Robotics in using textiles to for robot bumpers.

Senior with a finished no-sew fleece pillow.

8 year old sewing applique.